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Resource Development and Management Policy

The guidance in this document refers only to the Healthcare Library of Northern Ireland. 

1. Overview

The Healthcare Library of Northern Ireland aims to provide access to high quality Library 
resources to support the Health & Social Care Professionals of Northern Ireland to deliver 
patient care, CPD, revalidation and research.

This Policy outlines the principles of resource development and management as well as the 
general criteria used by the Library to assess the collection. It also explains the budget 
allocation and acknowledges that the Library needs to manage the pressure on space whilst 
continuing to support practice and research. 

2. Principles

• The Healthcare Library of Northern Ireland will purchase materials to support the 
Health & Social Care Professionals of Northern Ireland to deliver patient care, CPD, 
revalidation and research.

• The Library will balance the size of its physical collections with the need to provide 
sufficient study space.

• Digital format is the preferred option for books, journals and resources, where 
appropriate, affordable, practicable, and where funds are available

• The Library will take a data informed approach, monitoring the use of resources 
and employ usage data when available to evaluate continuing provision.

• Resource development and management involves Library staff working with the 
healthcare community.

3. Budget Allocation

The Healthcare Library budget is set by the Department of Health (NI). The annual resource 
budget is approximately £500,000 with costs increasing between 4% to 6% each year. The 
annual budget allocation is not generally increased each year therefore any changes to 
subscriptions must be funded by cancellations.

The budget for the purchase of books is allocated annually.

The interlibrary loan service is used to supplement local resources.

4. Resource Development

This section summarises approaches to development of Library resources.

4.1 Books and E-books

The choice of format of book (e or print) is decided by the Subject Specialists, on the basis of 
availability, access, value for money and availability of funds. 
Print copies may be distributed and moved across locations according to identified demand.

4.2 Journals and Databases

Journals and databases represent an expensive and ongoing commitment. The majority of 
journals are now available in electronic format as part of publisher deals or as individual 

Subscriptions to journals and databases are reviewed annually.

New subscriptions are made only where savings to an equivalent level are identified. 

In the event of a budget reduction, The Library Advisory Group will be informed and 
consulted regarding cancellation decisions.

4.3 Donations

The Healthcare library of Northern Ireland adheres to Queens University Belfast’s 
Donations Policy.  This is available on the QUB Library website.

5. Resource Management

This section summarises the approach to management of the Library collections.

5.1 Stock Checks

An ongoing programme of stock checks is carried out whereby material on the shelves is 
checked against what is recorded in the Library catalogue. Missing books may be replaced if 
relevant to current HSC requirements, but otherwise records for missing items are 
withdrawn from the catalogue.

5.2 Criteria for Withdrawal and Retention

The ongoing pressure on space and the need to support current HSC priorities and 
requirements, means that material is periodically withdrawn from the Library collection.

The Library uses the following criteria as a guideline to assess the Collection:
• Relevance to current HSC priorities and requirements
• Level of usage
• Duplication within the Library
• Currency of the edition
• Availability of electronic equivalents, for example, print journals where access to 
electronic archives is secure
• Physical condition
• Rarity in the UK

Stock for disposal will be identified according to these criteria during regular stock 
assessment and be disposed of via BetterWorldBooks UK.

6. Policy Review

Changes to this policy will be made in the light of new developments, emerging disciplines 
and evolving trends. It will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that it continues to 
reflect the priorities of HSC.

Updated January 2024