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February 2024

Healthcare Library Highlights February 2024

Don't forget to change your details with the Healthcare Library of Northern Ireland
Are you changing job or moving Trusts?
Don’t lose touch with the library, update your contact details today

It is important that you update your library membership details each time you move jobs/Trusts etc.   Your login details will continue to work until it is time to renew your membership so you will be able to access the e-resources and place requests for articles and books.  However, if we do not have your current work address or email there will be a delay in contacting you and ultimately we may not be able to send you the resources you want, particularly if both your work and home details have changed.

Current Awareness:  if you receive a Current Awareness Bulletin from your Specialist Librarian, please advise them of any changes to your email address.  

So please take a few minutes and update your details each time you move.  Thank you. 

We use your work email as our primary means of keeping in contact with you.  This may include: 

  • Sending articles you have requested 
  • Alerting you when books available for collection (or ones we need back) 
  • Current awareness mailing lists (you need to advise your Specialist Librarian directly if your email address changes) 
  • advising you of upcoming training 
  • other library communication – including this informative newsletter 
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healthcare professional with clipboard
Ebsco/Cinahl Single Sign-On (SSO)
Ebsco Account

The Healthcare Library is now able to provide single sign-on (SSO) for Ebsco resources.  These resources include some databases such as Cinahl, e-books, and online articles. Further details below on how to set up SSO and how to retrieve existing searches.

Single Sign-On (SSO) provides seamless authentication and personalization to Ebsco resources.  You will not need to manage a separate login to access your MyEbsco account. You will use the Healthcare Library login credentials to institutionally authenticate and to seamlessly access your personal MyEbsco account.

If you are prompted to consent to the creation of a MyEbsco account, click on Continue Personalized, (see image) a MyEbsco account is created and you are automatically logged into it. On subsequent logins, you will be immediately logged into your MyEbsco account.

If you do not grant consent by clicking on Skip for Now, you will receive an error page as you are required to personalize in order to access any EBSCO products.


I already have an Ebsco account – how do I retrieve my existing searches?

If you already have an Ebsco account with saved searches etc. you are still able to access those.  In the database click Sign In at the top right of the screen & then click Switch Accounts also at the top right. Login with your existing Ebsco account details and click on Folder – your Saved Searches etc. will be accessible from there.

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Clearing out library
End of an era
Muckamore Library resources relocated to Belfast

After many years the Library in Muckamore Abbey Hospital has closed.  It held a small collection of books for the staff on site, mainly focussing on Mental Health, Intellectual Disability and Forensic Psychiatry.  There were some older more general texts on aspects of General Medical, Nursing and Health Care.  Unique and up to date relevant stock was relocated to the Healthcare Library at the RVH.

In November 2023 we were asked to facilitate the removal of the stock from the library as the Muckamore Abbey Hospital site prepares to close later in 2024.  

Significant preparatory work was done before the visit to identify stock that we could either remove or relocate to the Healthcare Library at the RVH.  About 50% of the stock that was no longer needed was suitable to donate to a book resale and literacy company. Betterworld is a company that makes books available at affordable prices across the world and donates books to hundreds of non-profit organisations.  It also raises funds to support libraries and literacy worldwide.  This results in reducing the number of books going to waste, recycling and maximising their use for literacy projects etc.  

Two days were set aside for the work on site, and this was successfully completed before Christmas.  We came across some interesting old titles that demonstrated how mental health / intellectual disability treatment and terminology has changed over the years.  We also found quite a few spiders, their role hasn’t changed!   The stock was subsequently moved and the catalogue updates are almost complete.   Muckamore had a number of books that were not in stock in any of the other Healthcare libraries on topics such as Forensic Psychiatry and Intellectual Disability.  These have been relocated to the Healthcare Library at the RVH and will be more easily accessible for all library members.   



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