Journals and Databases
The Healthcare Library’s journal subscriptions cover a wide range of healthcare specialties.
Some of our journals are in print format. You can’t borrow these from the Library, but you can photocopy or scan articles from them. Print journals can be found in our catalogue.
Most of our journals are available online, and can be accessed for free in the following ways.
Search for an individual journal, or for journal titles containing specific keywords. Full Text Access links take you to the relevant publisher websites, where you can read and, in most cases, download subscribed content for free.
Healthcare Library Catalogue
Search for journals by title, or search for a topic and limit results to full-text journal articles.
Journal Publisher Websites
These websites are also listed in our Databases A-Z
The Healthcare Library subscribes to key databases that enable you to search across multiple journals simultaneously for research on specific topics. They are essential tools for carrying out literature searches and systematic reviews.
Database highlights include MEDLINE, CINAHL and ClinicalKey.
Access them via our Databases A-Z [link].
Any questions about databases? Ask your Specialist Librarian, who can provide you with tailored help and support.
Any questions?
Ask your Specialist Librarian, who can provide you with tailored help and support